A Little About Me and My Story

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Greg and Im the founder of CSBCoaching. Let me give you some background on how this all started.

The lens in which I see the world shifted dramatically 10+ years ago when I went through my unexpected divorce. That event was the catalyst that propelled me change the way I lived my life. I didn’t know it at the moment, but it exposed the parts of me that needed to be overhauled.

I needed to make some major changes to the self image I had, where I found validations in life and why, what actually made me happy at the end of the day and what life meant to me. In short, I needed to rebuild my identity because my old identity was shattered. 

The beauty about experiencing a life changing event (wanted or unexpected) is that you get to choose what pieces you pick up and move forward with to build your new identity. 


The Before Me and the The After Me


Before my divorce I was a happy, fun loving, dedicated person. I had my job in IT, my life planned out, had the house and dream car, wife and loving family around me. Until those three words “I’m Leaving You” created the greatest seismic in the world I was living in. It forced me to let go of my old ways of buying material things for validation, people pleasing, chasing corporate titles and salaries.

After my divorce, I learned how truly let go of anything or situation that causes stress, anxiety, fear or chaos. I had to learn how the mind works, both conscious and unconscious, in order to properly understand what information to feed it. This way I’m having my mind work for me, not against me. 

This type of mindset takes practice, patience, repetition and focus. Without those we cannot master any skill.

I live my life now by three simple principles, which are the foundation of CSBCoaching:

1 - Control What You Can Control (understanding your emotions which dictate your actions and reactions)

2 - Say It Out Loud (Taking ownership and responsibility for the silent narrative in your head)

3 - Breathe (Understanding how/why your breath creates moments of calm and clarity)


Why Coaching?


If you have ever played any sport or watched any sport….every single one of them has a coach that helps you become better at honing your skills. So choosing a life coach should be specific to the skills you wish to improve on. Having a coach in your corner holding you accountable, providing you the structure to find the answers within you and giving you the tools to create the life you set out to live…makes perfect sense. 

 Ill be with you working side by side helping you develop the same skills I had to master in order to live life on your terms. 

 No one has the ability to see the world through your lens, experience life in your shoes or have a profound understanding of your emotions. The only thing I can assure you is the changes that you intend to make, we will complete that task together! 

See you in there! 

Your Future Awaits Coaching Call